Our Team
Melinda Zytaruk, MES, CPHB
Melinda’s career has centred around environmental, community, social, and economic sustainability since the beginning. Co-founder of Tooketree Passive Homes, she has acted as CEO since 2015. Previously she was General Manager of the innovative worker cooperative, Fourth Pig Green & Natural Construction, established in 2007.
Melinda is a Certified Passive House Builder with a Master’s in Environmental Studies. She is a founding board member of the Lake of Bays Renewable Energy Coop, a member of the Lake of Bays Community Economic Advisory Committee, Climate Action Muskoka, and the District of Muskoka’s New Leaf Community Working Group. Joining forces with like-minded community members, Melinda helped establish the Muskoka Community Land Trust in 2021.
Melinda loves kayaking, gardening, and swimming in the summer, and cross-country skiing in the winter. Grateful to be raising her son here, she sees the beauty of Muskoka as a tremendous gift.
Rick Zytaruk, P.Eng., CPHB
Chief Financial Officer
Rick is the co-founder and CFO of Tooketree Passive Homes. With extensive experience as a business consultant, Rick partnered with his daughter, Melinda in 2015 to build highly-efficient, ecologically responsible homes and help move the building industry toward true sustainability. Committed to addressing climate change and environmental issues through natural material choices, carbon storage, and long-term thinking, Rick stands on the cutting edge of green building evolution.
Rick spent much of his career focused on applying technology and process control to improve efficiency and efficacy in businesses. Passionate about innovation and progress, Rick is committed to building a better future for generations to come. Rick sits on the board of directors for Habitat for Humanity and is an active member of Builders for Climate Action.
At rare moments when he’s not at the factory, Rick enjoys life on the lake in Baysville, and time spent with his family.
James Marshall, CPHB
Factory Operations Manager
James leads the manufacturing team at our Baysville facility, guiding our builders in the precise production of our CSA-certified SEED panels. A Certified Passive House Builder, James is engaged throughout the design and fabrication process to ensure that drawn details translate effectively into real life.
James joined Tooketree in 2021 with extensive trades experience and a background in construction supervision. James keeps our team organized and motivated, mentors new staff, and encourages cooperative participation in systems and product improvement. With worker well-being as a top priority, James promotes safe equipment operation, conscientious lifting and material handling, and effective communication.
An avid back-country camper and outdoorsman, James moved to Muskoka from Southern Ontario 2017. His adventurous family enjoys nature all year long at the northern edge of Muskoka.
Courtney Rupp, CPHB
Manager of Quality Assurance
Part of Tooketree’s inaugural team, Courtney joined our company with expertise in the development of quality assurance systems for specialized technical industries such as steel fabrication and pre-cast pre-stressed concrete.
Courtney’s multifaceted role at Tooketree includes product quality assurance, process control and development and worker health and safety. Courtney’s ongoing evaluation ensures that our team manufactures a consistent, quality product that lives up to Tooketree’s reputation and accreditation. She advises staff and the leadership team on practice improvements and adherence to standard procedures. Courtney also promotes company-wide awareness of workers’ rights and responsibilities and advocates for employee health and wellbeing. All the while, Courtney is best known for her sense of humour.
Originally from Hamilton, Ontario, Courtney had been visiting the Muskoka/Almaguin Highlands area since 1997. She made the move north and joined Tooketree in 2019. Courtney is an ardent gardener, and a steward of the land, lake and wildlife where she lives.
Sarah Durocher, CPHB
Passionate about tangible and resilient solutions to the climate crisis and the housing crisis, Sarah joined the Tooketree team in 2021. She holds a B.Eng in Bioresource Engineering from McGill, and previously worked with clients on sustainability-related projects within an environmental engineering consultancy and the federal government.
As part of her work at Tooketree, Sarah collaborates with architects, engineers, contractors, not-for-profit community builders, and homeowners on a variety of projects, from single-family homes to multiplex residential projects to retrofits. She is responsible for creating detailed 3D Models, shop drawings, and shipping/installation truck layout plans for Tooketree’s SEED Building Systems.
Sarah also enjoys providing design software training for new team members, and creatively troubleshooting design challenges with her team. During her time at Tooketree, she has optimized and standardized the design process.
In her free time, Sarah enjoys playing guitar and spending time outside.
Lyla Armstrong
Project Coordinator
Lyla joined Tooketree in 2021 as a co-op student. She continued working while finishing her studies at Georgian College and now holds an Advanced Diploma in Architectural Technology.
At Tooketree, Lyla works on multiple aspects of our projects, including material estimating and ordering, monitoring and forecasting project progress, organizing project documentation, and other administrative tasks. She is the right-hand (wo)man to the Operations Manager and is quick to lend a helping hand to any of her team members.
Lyla is very organized and has a sharp eye for detail. She consistently implements process improvements to many of our administrative processes. Lyla also spends a bit of time on the factory floor fabricating panels, her experience with tools and construction allows her to jump in as needed.
Born and raised in Muskoka, Lyla happily returned home after completing her studies. In her free time, she enjoys being outside, playing with her dog and spending time with family.
Our team outside the Tooketree factory in Baysville, Ontario.